60years Female with c/o Shortness of breath

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box.

Chief Complaints:
A 60 years old female patient resident of Anthampet and a laundry worker by occupation, came on medical OPD on 7-12-2022 with chief complaints of:-
*Shortness of breath,weakness, fatigue since 1month

History of Present Illness:
*Patient is apparently asymptomatic 4years ago , when she started to develop shortness of breath,which was insidious in onset, gradually progressive 
*H/O Fever , weakness 
*No H/O pedal edema

History of Past illness:
*H/O- Hypertension since 10years on regular medication (using TAB-AMLODIPINE+ATENOLOL  PO/OD)
*PRBC Blood transfusion 2PRBC 4years ago and 3PRBC 6months ago
*No H/O-Diabetes, Asthma,TB,CAD, Epilepsy

Personal History:
Sleep: inadequate
Bowel and bladder movement: regular
Menstrual history:
Age of menarche:16years
Days of cycle:28days
Age of menopause:48years

Family History:
No history of Diabetes, Hypertension,TB, Epilepsy,CAD in family members

General Examination:

Patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative.
Moderately built and nourished.

Her consent is taken.
She is examined in a well lit room after adequate exposure.

No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy and edema.

Temp: Afibrile
Respiratory rate:18cycles/min
Blood pressure:110/60mmHg
Sp O2 :97%

Systemic Examination:
Cardiovascular Examination:
- Bilaterally symmetrical chest wall
- Movements - symmetrical
- Skin normal - no scars, sinuses seen.
- Apex impulse not seen.
- No visible pulsations.
- No parasternal heaving seen.
- JVP - not raised.

- No local rise of temperature and tenderness.
- Bilateral symmetrical chest movement.
- Apex beat - Felt in the left 5th intercostal space - in mid clavicular line.
- Parasternal heave - absent.
- No visible pulsations.

- Right heart border - about 1cm to right of sternum.
- Left heart border - about 2cm lateral to mid clavicular line.

- S1 and S2 heard 
- murmur - absent

Respiratory system:
Position of trachea: Central
Breath sounds:No
Adventitious sounds:No

Shape of abdomen: Scaphoid
Palpable mass:No 
Henias orifices: Normal
Free fluid:No
Liver:Not palpable
Spleen: Not palpable
Bowel sounds:Yes

Central Nervous system:
 Pt is conscious
Signs of meningitis:No 
Cranial nerves: Normal
Motor and sensory system: Normal

Provisional Diagnosis:
IDA (Iron Deficiency Anemia)

Inj.IRON SUCROSE 200Mg in 100ml of NS   OD/IV(alternate days)
Tab.AMLONG AT    PO/OD(1-0-0)
Monitor vitals 6hourly


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